Mushroom Houses on Moon
Mushroom Houses on Moon * *Mushroom Houses on the Moon: NASA’s Vision of Mycotecture for Space Habitats** NASA is advancing its research on an innovative and groundbreaking concept to create habitats on the Moon and Mars using fungi. The space agency’s Mycotecture Off Planet project, backed by a $2 million funding initiative, aims to develop technologies that could potentially allow for the growth of sustainable, self-healing homes for future space explorers. This approach, based on mycelium—the root-like structures of fungi—could revolutionise space habitation and open new avenues for human colonisation beyond Earth. ### The Promise of Mycelia-Based Moon Habitats The concept of mycelia-based Moon habitats revolves around using fungal networks to construct sustainable, bio-based living structures. These habitats would be grown from dormant fungi transported from Earth, which would be activated upon arrival by simply adding water. This process, once initiated, would allow the fung...